Here's just a little update about what I've been working on this week.
Basically, I've been shaping BlenRig's GUI, organizing properties here and there and splitting up things into different panels for a better user experience.
We now have a panel dedicated to the Rigging process, in which you will find all the tools needed for adjusting and baking the rig into your own characters, and also all the properties that you can tweak in order to define the basic behaviour of the body and the face.
Additionally, there is a tab called “Dynamic Shaping” in which you can scale all the different body parts in a similar way to CGCookie's Flex Rig. This feature lets you shape your rig on the fly, making the process of creating secondary characters much easier and without the need of doing any extra rigging.
In the animation panel, you will find all the options related to control layers, FK/IK switching and also a couple of “Rig Picker” panels, from which you can have an alternative way of selecting controllers.
Notice that this allows you to select controllers without the need of having the actual rig displayed (using the “Only Render” display option)
Finally I also managed to arrange a useful but spookey picker for the face controls.
Looks more like an ancient ritual mask! What do you think!? See you next time! Gotta keep on coding now!
Juan Pablo
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Hola Juan Pablo. Llevó un montón de tiempo tratando de encontrar el switch IK/FK, donde está exactamente? Muchas gracias
Congrats on the Professional Riggin tool Juan, I have recently ported across from 3dsmax to Blender and today i found the link to Blenrig5, i was instantly hooked, now to get my hands dirty and start creating awesome Character Rigs, Question: Has anyone successfully created a rig within Blenrig5 and imported without issues into Unity3d? Cheers, Billy
@billy_j_7: Hi Billy. There is a blenrig thread on the BA forums you should check out. A post points out how rigify and blenrig could be made to work with mecanim in unity: Hopefully there will be development on this note.
I think that blenrig5 is ever best rig solution! It will be great advantages of bleder so I want to know that final version of blendrig5 is free or sell it? (I must buy it) or blendrig5 is cc0? or cc by-sa 3.0? or and so on.....? (I live in korea. so my grammar is bad. sorry about that hard to read.)
Juan Pablo, I'm very excited about using your rig. Thank you for your excellent work. I have a bipedal cartoon lizard I hope to use the rig on. I'm wondering if your rig can be customized to include a tail? If so, will there possibly be a tutorial for this?
Hi dbeach!
Yes, of course you'll be able to customize that. The rig is just constraints and bones, nothing magical, so yes, you'll be able to add a tail. About the tutorials, yes, in some of the tutorials I"ll give tips about how to customize things. In your case it shouldn't be much harder than to parent the tail bones to the pelvis deformation bone. I'll be here to provide support after the release anyway!
Entre más lo veo, menos lo creo. En verdad, Juan Pablo, estás haciendo realidad un sueño dorado para quienes sufrimos con el rigging. Mi pesadilla personal está en el weight paint (los hombros y las axilas), aunque con el uso de shape keys y el Mesh Deform más o menos me las arreglé, pero la verdad siempre estuve fascinada con tu Blenrig desde que vi los videos en Vimeo. Te agradezco enormemente el aporte invaluable que estás haciendo a la comunidad Blender y de antemano estoy muy feliz de que gracias al Blenrig podré pasar menos tiempo riggeando y más haciendo lo que me encanta, que es animar :o)
Esa es la idea yawa_green! Menos rigging y más personajes en acción :D Los tutoriales paso a paso van a ser de gran ayuda también!
Great work Pablo. If you think that might be "inspiring" also have a look at the new malcolm 2.0 rig and the picker they did for the body and facial controllers. When can i start "playing" with this rig on my own characters?
Hi David! Yes, I've seen the malcolm rig (not sure if 1.0 or 2.0). And it was one of my inspirations for the picker :). Apart from that, the picker is based on the work of a Blender guy called Salvador Artero.
About the addon, I may be finishing it next week, although I still don't know if it will be published as soon as I finish it, or if it would be wiser to wait for the first tutorial to be ready! :D