The Charge asset library is an extensive library of mostly hard-surface objects from the ‘scrapyard’, ‘hut’ and ‘factory’ sets. Create, build and render your own scenes and environments using the Charge asset library! The library is divided into the following catalogs:
Grab the Charge material asset library for free here
The Charge movie assets are available at
Any assets library for more city like scenario?
@Marco Luciano nvm. Found them:
I was looking for the geo node setup for the spray paint scene. I'm having trouble honing in on it in the shot files and I see the can in the asset manager but I didn't see it in the list of geo nodes so I thought I'd stop here and ask if I could be pointed in the right direction.
@Jason Talbot Hey, these files are now available by going to Charge's content gallery:
@Beau Gerbrands Thank you! I was looking for that scene and the scene where Einar spray paints the camera. Again, thank you for these!
Great Library! Thank you Beau 👍
Fantastic ! Thank you :-)
I'm really interested in seeing/using the FX from charge asset library, but they seem to be broken/not doing anything, apart from the candle, has something major changed in geo-nodes to stop this working?
@Mooch Creative the recommended Blender version is 4.1. The problem had to do with nodes being disconnected going from and to switch nodes.
👌So usefull! Thanks Beau :)
good job guys, thanks for that
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