After we premiered Charge I had this nagging urge. I desperately wanted to have a physical copy of that amazing battery prop that Andy Goralczyk designed for the film. Well, how about I just make it myself?
But there's a problem. I don't have any experience with product design nor electronics and I've only ever 3D printed a couple of simple things.
This is where ignorance and tenacity come in handy. I had no idea how much effort it would end up taking and I was stubborn enough to keep going until I got what I wanted. For a better part of a year I tinkered with this design on and off in my free time.
Here I've put together a video that explains the project goals, the materials I used and the steps I took to assemble it:
This thing is made out of 3d printed PLA parts, blue acrylic rods, acrylic sheets, a bunch of electronics, blood, sweat and tears.
The design went through many iterations and there were a lot of dead-end experiments. Overall I'm happy with what I came up with, especially given the goals that I set out with.
Here are my design files:
Warning: If you are considering making your own version using electronics, please follow all the necessary precautions and stay safe. Electronics can be very dangerous.
In hindsight, I would honestly allow myself to use a longer lasting battery that could be charged with a cable and then design a discreet socket in the back for the cable.
Hope this inspires you to make fun stuff!
You need to make a video haw you made the explanatory video . It was awesome
@Mohd Rashid Khan Right?! I've been saying the same thing, it was such a cool demo.
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