One of the weaknesses of "Hero" project is the preproduction in backgrounds, the one month of preprpduction was spent almost in the story, animatic, animation tests and characters designs, no much time for backgrounds.
So now that looks like the grease pencil tool is working pretty well (It´s not just Hero, the Grease Pencil, development itself is a huge time consuming but is the main goal of this project) and the animation is on track, I have time to give some love to backgrounds and now we have two new collaborators in the team, Miguel Gomez Selva and Yanco G. Apesteguia to help in this task.
The most of the backgrounds are in 3D with a 2D look and the challenge is find a seamless integration between 2D and 3D elements. We are trying different approaches like, different types of modeling, lighting, flat texture paint, even vertex colors.
Here you can see some tests about this process.
This is looking fantastic already. When I saw the top video I thought you just painted the clouds in Krita or something, but when I noticed that it's all Grease Pencil I was blown away! What are you doing to get the nice blurred look to the background that gives it that hand-painted look? Is it just out of focus? If so, that really shows some of the awesome benefits of the 2d in 3d approach that Grease Pencil provides. Great work and really looking forward to seeing more :D
By the way, if you guys want more inspiration for GP and Hero, have a look at some recent videos for Sony's PS4 game 'Dreams'. The tech is very different to Grease Pencil, but they achieve a painterly style in real-time 3d and make all the content in their game using the game itself. It's absolutely amazing, and maybe their techniques could provide inspiration for new features in Grease Pencil in the future. This is by no means the most impressive video of Dreams (you can make pretty much anything, not just still life scenes!), but it shows the rendering tech a little better.
also is there a chance that you guys could publish here a recent grease pencil branch build for people to play with it?
@Daniel Martinez Lara: <3 <3 <3
Amazing! How do you paint? On the model 3d viewport or in the UV Panel?
@Charles Lol: In viewport :)
wow, that looks so cool, i see that sometimes youre using 2.79 and sometimes 2.8 why?
@Luciano Muñoz: 2.8 for Grease pencil 2.8 and 2.79 for modeling, no modifiers in 2.8 at the moment :(
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