Today, a new version of Flamenco Server, Manager, and Worker introduces a new way to install & use Flamenco. The Manager can now enter "setup mode", in which it's very simple to link it to Blender Cloud with only a few clicks! This mode is started automatically when you don't have a configuration file yet, making it even easier to get started.
Furthermore, we've changed the way we package Flamenco Manager and Worker so that it's a matter of extracting a package and running the executable. No more installation of MongoDB is required (we bundle it for you), and you don't even need to install Python any more.
Workers can now also find the Manager running on your network by using UPnP/SSDP autodiscovery. That means even less configuration to get things up and running.
Download Flamenco Manager & Worker and get started today!
This seems to be a very nice tool! I see that's for single images, or animations. Do you planned to extend to texture baking too ? (this could be very useful for 3D real time workflows).
I've not yet succeed to make it works, maybe a more attentive reading of the doc can help ; if not I'll try to make a report, but I can already report some things for windows users (tested on win 10 64b here), in flamenco manager setup:
Anyway, thanks for working on that manager, this will be very convenient for a blender team workflow.
@Vincent Lamy: Thanks for your feedback. We don't have plans to extend the functionality to texture baking, but it shouldn't be too hard to add. It would require a new job type to be implemented on the Server and Blender add-on, and a new command implementation on the Worker. It's all Open Source, so if you have any Python experience you might want to take a look at it yourself.
It helps us a lot if you create reports (Server, Manager, Worker) immediately, instead of posting "simple" things here. That'll give me one place to look at for things to do, and makes sure I don't forget about them.
@Dr. Sybren: Yep I understand, I will add report about special chars in windows path.
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