Dog is curious, enthusiastic and resourceful. Bit of a "break stuff, ask questions later" type of guy, and he comes with a real big smile.
This character requires exactly Blender 3.6, and may break on lower or higher versions!
For instructions on how to use the character, simply download and open the file in Blender 3.6. You'll be greeted with a ReadMe with some useful tips for getting started with animating, lighting, and rendering this rather complex character.
The character is free to use, provided that the you respect the CC-BY license and include the credit: Dog Rig (CC-BY) Blender Foundation |
Is there a character picker for these characters available?
@Vanessa No, we don't have any bone picker system.
Can you explain how you move the mesh inside the mouth? pls
@TuanMa There's a GeoNode modifier responsible exclusively for the inner mouth. If I recall correctly, it was essentially an attempt at re-implementing the Surface Deform modifier in GeoNodes. So if you google for that, you should find some results. I remember looking at this page a lot: although their use case was a bit different.
@Demeter Dzadik nice thanks.
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