Days of breakneck productivity, including the refinement of spider and dress designs, a first look at Ellie running, and much work on the cover of a 3D World special edition. (See this Cloud post on 3D World for more info.)
Mostly finalizing shading for the 3DWorld cover and transferring it to the production rigs, making sure that everything works on the temporary topology.
Worked on some teeth proposals and reworked Rex to move his retopology along for Angela. At the same time I was working on the first passes of Phil's expression tests to finalize his face sculpt.
This week I worked on the temporary thumbnail that is featured on the Films selection on the Cloud. This included more work on the logo with input from Matthew.
Mostly worked on some Lattice-based addons that the animation department requested.
This week I helped to define Victoria's outfit and design her accessories in detail. Also the spider design slowly emerged after another round of feedback and narrowing down the options.
Starting on Ellie's running away from sprites, first I made a runcycle to define the rhythm and later I apply it to the scene