Animation production begins with an action sequence in the middle of the film. Victoria’s hair is completely re-groomed, tiny differences in shading are compared across renders, and extra slime is added to snails. Other details are also refined: moss, ripped clothes, and emission is included in the Sprites' faces.
This week was occupied with two main tasks: Hair-styling Victoria and helping Paul (TD) and Simon to test and debug the caching workflow. While I ended up spending most on the time on caching, I managed to rework Victoria's hair completely based on the sculpting template from Julien.
Apart from hunting down and trying to elimiate issues with the caching pipeline, I did a bunch of smaller shading updates and tests and worked on the moss to make it look more soft.
This week animation team continue working on their shot on the rextoria sequence
I was busy animating shots on the rextoria sequence, next to that I did some facial expressions to test the rig of Victoria. then lastly, I made an instructional video for new animators to get started with the Sprite Fright rig setup.