Retopology for Sprite Fright’s final character is completed. Much shading work, including animated shaders and tests for the demise of some important figures. As the animation deadline approaches, shots are completed at a rapid pace. Lighting for moments located around the Sprite Village, plus clay renders of the film’s opening.
Gerard and I have teamed up to bring to life this new sequence: nightfall!! Hope you like watching the progression of this, there's more to come!!
This week I wrapped up the set dressing work on the log bridge set, got the log bridge trunk and chasm tree props to an almost final state and worked on various props for the Sprite Village and Mushroom Grove animations.
I somehow managed to spend some time coding stuff, yay! Also Jay can now open his mouth wide enough to eat a puppy whole, and I slapped some bones on some props.
This week I worked on lighting 130_snacks and the first adorable shots of the cute Sprites in 040_village. Jay also got his hair done, at leas the grooming part of it, in the coming weeks, his shading will be finalized by Simon.
This week, Pablo Fournier, Javier Perez, Daniella Alives, Tom Pinon and myself finalled a bunch of 'Snacks' shots. The sequence is close to being wrapped up! We still have 2 more weeks to animate the remaining shots, address revisions and give it our all. Next did some rig testing of Jay, made some expressions. Jay will be starring in 'Drown' and 'Yew'.
This week I did a bunch of different thing on the production. It was mostly about figuring out effects, like the animated shaders for some shot specific shading effects and doing some initial tests on melting Sprites. Then I also did shading on a couple of the props that were needed for rendering and an initial shading transfer on Jay for his new topology. A big topic also was figuring out the tech for Elder Sprite's beard, more of this next week as well.
Phil is ready for the next steps; rigging, surfacing, and grooming. Retopology on all characters is now completed!
This week, my goal was to create another batch of vectorized packaging labels. Aside from the labels, there is a greater focus on lighting the spray shots this week.
This week I watched on boarding videos and familiarized myself with the pipeline. I also started a rough blocking pass on my first shot on the drown seq and created a pee cycle for the Sprite’s for upcoming shots in the seqs.