Animation on the "Ritual" sequence was completed. And animation began on the last big sequence: "Grove". Plus a large amount of shading, including butterflies, blood, pickles, and ladybugs.
This week I worked on 4 shots in Ritual. They are some fun shots because all the characters are running around and panicking. I finished working on 2 and still working on the others
This week animation team finished the Ritual sequence!!!
This week we officially got shots done on the last big sequence: Grove. Until the very end of animation production we'll work on this sequence. Some really fun stuff in here where the group is littering and demolishing the forest, with ugly consequences... Keep an eye out on this sequence for the following weeks to see it progress :)
These last two weeks were quite busy. Some more tweaks to Phil's shading, more new character shading for the butterfly, the ladybug and Elder Sprite and a whole lot of prop shading, from Spriteberries to the bloddy shoe.
The past 2 weeks I've wrapped up the work on the forest set for the first and last shot of the movie. The lighting and clouds will be refined by Andy & Simon. The Sprite parade also got a lot of work and has a full lineup of rigged character now.
This week I lit the first shot of 010_intro which was a bit tricky because it had to be matched up with the inside of the forest. Since Elder Sprite was getting more refined in shading, I also set up the shots in 030_village where he gets introduced to the audience.