Worked on the main character retopology. The dog is relatively finished and the cat is clsoe to follow. The .blend files are accessible now for download.
During this weeks I worked on some grease pencil vfx, just to check if it is a possibility to use them on the pets project, in this case I animated some smoke and dust
This week we explored various design aspects of the rocket. The placement of the hatches, the use of pipes inside and the windshield design. Also added more props using geo nodes to create more variations.
This week I was fully focused on story-boarding and enhancing the story from beginning to end. Adding new boards, alternative beats that improve or disrupt the story. Its a puzzle that we try to solve as good as possible. Here's a little snippet of the current beginning (no audio included at this point).
I did one final GeoNode experiment before getting an early model of the Dog character and slapping a rig on it as quick as possible so animators can start playing with something. I also worked a bit on CloudRig, and on the asset pipeline, to make it not fail with errors due to recent Blender changes.