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Grease Pencil blend file from "Hero" Open movie
Old file version only for 2.82
I am having a problem opening the files. In blender 2.79 it will open but then there will be data loss and the image will not be there. Blender 2.8 will not even recognize the file. Is there a place where I can get instructions on how to properly load them so I can view them? Thanks for your time in advance.
hey big admirer of your work, how did you get the grease pencil to follow the plane like that , i am trying to get a free style/NPR look on my background elements on blender 2.8
@deji oyewole: There is a script for 2.79 that convert freestyle to Grease Pencil (a bit outdated)
@deji oyewole: Hi! Dowloand the last daily build and download again this file, I made a little update
@Daniel Martinez Lara: Thanks for the response .so the workflow still requires me to model in 2.79 and freestyle, convert and open in 2.80, ? and is there any tutorial you could recommend paint 2d textures directly on my 3d and to keep opacity, for stuff like trees ? again many many thanks
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