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The solver key frames and the tracking paths of the features in your footage are only part of the equation. For a good solution, the solver needs to know the camera data, including sensor size and focal length. The better you understand how this works and why it is so important, the easier it will be for you to later set up the clip for a good solution.
Video File not Found
@unocastillo: Not a problem here. Maybe refreshing the page works?
Now it is working. Thanks (Y)
Is there a place sharing camera presets for blender that are importable?
@Matthew Pallotta: Not that I am aware of. But if your are looking for settings of a specific camera you can just search for it online. For the most part it is really just 2 settings that are important: focal length and sensor size. You should find most camera specifications online, somethings in some forum, sometime from the camera vendor directly. But honestly, what works best in 95% of the cases is to just let Blender figure it out itself. Just activate "Refinement" for focal length and K1 and solve. In most cases that should give you a good result.
@Sebastian Koenig: Thank you
As elsewhere, file WebM is not there, only MP4 file can be viewed/downloaded.
Allthough I understood the thoery of it, I never really saw the differences between focal length (aside from the zoom effect) until my photography teacher at uni showed me pictures like this. Ever since then I got it. Thought I leave that here in case there are other people with the same problem I had. :)
@schwammerlkopf: Thank you! :-)
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