While the Gold Showcase premiere was approaching and the Brushstroke Tools were being reworked to be more convenient to use, I enjoyed some spare time and started testing the new and improved features of the Add-on on a sculpt of Trico from The Last Guardian video game.
The fan artwork evolved to be quite a fun, self-contained test case, that I would like to make available for everyone to play around with!
(There is also a custom scrolling wind modifier to grab from the file thanks to Demeter Dzadik and Simon Thommes!
More on that further below.)
Check out Simon’s workshop to learn how to handle the Add-on and/or
read the Brushstroke Tools Add-on documentation.
This was created on top of a relatively high resolution sculpt - not a production ready character. The brushstroke tools provides quite a bit of flexibility, so I could adjust the sculpt after the brushstrokes were already generated.
It was enjoyable to provide usability feedback from a different angle than the Gold Showcase production and trying the tools for a feathery fur groom, that moves in the wind.
The custom fluttering and scrolling wind effect was created by Demeter Dzadik and can be found in the modifier stack under Post-Processing. The Brushstroke Tools Add-on doesn't ship with this by default, but feel free to grab it and play around with it!
One is keeping track of the original brushstroke before modification and another to do asymmetric tapering. So keep an eye out for an update to the add-on soon!
Let us know if you made artworks with the Brushstroke Tools Add-on, combined it with the custom scrolling wind effects or another cool combo of modifiers by tagging it with #b3d and #brushstrokes.
We would love to see what you come up with!!
Great work, Vivien! :)
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