The first major update is coming to the Brushstroke Tools extension! There are a few small additions to the procedural parameters that are available to customize the look of the brushstrokes. But the main focus has been making the extension ready to create custom brush styles. This comes along with a more extensive overview of the available brush styles and filtering by category and type.
As a special treat for our Blender Studio subscribers we created 2 additional brush style packs that can be downloaded here and easily installed from the user preferences:
[Join Blender Studio to download this file]
[Join Blender Studio to download this file]
To demo these new packs, Vivien created this beautiful artwork of a robin showcasing the style you can achieve with these new brush styles.
For those that want to create their own custom brush styles we extended the documentation with a detailed guide on doing exactly that on
This looks amazing! Do we need to udpate to 4.4?
I cant see anything like "Install Brush Style Pack" in either Brush styles properties or Blender preferences.
@dylan white All you need is the latest version of the Brushstroke Tools extension
Blender should prompt you to update in the preferences. This is also compatible with Blender version 4.2
Is it possible to bake the strokes into a texture including a normal map?
@Michael Vaughan It's generally possible using Blender's regular baking features. However, you cannot achieve the same result using baked texture maps, due to blending and silhouettes that will look quite different.
This is fantastic! Thank you!
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