Follow the latest updates and progress on Cosmos Laundromat: First Cycle.
Click on Mathieu's folder to see the latest edit of the film, as of March 27th. Then click through the other team folders to see more art and developments from this week.
Click the videos to the left to see Sarah's progress on two shots: Franck pushing the branch (almost final) and Franck responding to Victor's greeting (in blocking).
Click on the videos to the left to see Beorn's progress on two scenes: Franck reaching the cliff, and Victor talking to Franck.
Download these two zip files to play with the hair-caching and color-particle-smoke-generation systems Lukas demoed in this weekly.
In the 3 video files to the left you'll find the latest cut of the film and trailer, as of March 27, as well as an extra shot that might be included if funding goals are met.
In the files to the left you'll find some early (more or less noisy) renders of 4 scenes: a wide shot of the island, Franck's big drag, 2 versions of Franck pushing the branch, and 2 versions of Victor walking away and putting on his headphones. In addition, you'll find a tip, in infographic form, on adding a custom render stamp outside the frame.
Click the videos to the left to see two new reference videos (with Sarah and Hjalti playing Franck and Victor, respectively) as well as the animation blocking of the sequence where Victor replaces Franck's rope with a timer.
Click through the artists' and developers' folders to the left to access the images, animations, and files presented during this week's weekly livecast.
Click the video to watch Beorn's latest animation of the scene where Franck reaches the cliffside (and then head to Pablo's folder to see the latest render of this scene).
Have an Oculus or another VR/3D device? Recreate the virutal Victor & Franck meet & greet using the files you'll find in this folder. Have 3D glasses instead? Then check out the anaglyph images!
Click through the images to the left to see the feedback Gabriel and Francesco have been getting from their render tests with other users.
Pablo has been working on setting up two animated sequences for final rendering. Here you can take a peek at a noisy early version of each.
To the left you'll find Hjalti's reference video (with Sarah) for the scene where Franck gets his timer, the latest version of Victor inserting the cassette tape into the tape deck, Hjalti's notes on dialog timing, and Hjalti's set-up for the benchmark image.
Click through the files on the left to see two animated sequences Manu has been setting up and 12 versions of his island model, showing his progress through the week, as well as a tip on using volume fog.
This week Mathieu put together two edits of the film: 1) a new 10-minute edit of the pilot as it stands now, with more and more animations added in, and 2) a 7.5-minute edit of the jungle scene, which will be included in the pilot if and when enough funding is secured for extra animators. You'll also find, just for fun, panoramics of the Gooseberry crew on coffee break at the Blender Institute!
Click the videos to see 3 versions of the scene where Franck is interrupted by Victor: Franck without fur, Victor alone, and both characters together (with fuzz).
Click through the artist and developer folders to the left to see their work for this week!
To the left you'll find Beorn's latest animation of Franck reaching the cliff, plus a video illustrating a little rope problem he's having.
In addition to the latest animatic of the full pilot as it currently stands (with more and more of the layout being replaced by early animations), this week Mathieu made a couple extras just for fun: a .jpg and .exr version of the HDR environment map he used to make the dance-off videos between Victor and Franck outside the Blender Institute studio shown in this week's weekly:
Find renders of Franck pulling the log with fluffy fur and proper lighting by clicking through the links to the left.
Click through the links on the left to see Manu's fully rendered versions of two of the branch dragging/pushing animations created by our animators so far!
In addition to 2 images of Andy's colorful tornado concoction to date, you'll find a benchmark image you can use to test the new Flamenco render farm on your own computer/network.
Click the video to the left to see Sarah's progress animating the shot where Franck pushes the branch with his head.
In the links to the left you'll find Hjalti's latest work on Victor's walk sequence (when he walks away from Victor before the tornado comes) plus pictures of him building a contraption to substitute for the surprisingly difficult-to-find cassette player, and the reference footage he filmed using it.
In Project Gooseberry's 29th weekly, the team presented their work finalizing shots of the opening scene. Click through the team member folders to the left to see some of the art as well as the latest edit of the film's opening. Then visit the blog to see additional animations, what the developers have been up to, etc.
Pablo spent the week setting up the lighting and getting the hair and other details right for the opening shot of the film. Click through the images in this folder (to the left) to see how the shot evolved over the week.
Click the video file to the left to watch the latest (mostly still layout) edit of Cosmos Laundromat's opening scene.
This week was Andy's first Tornado Week! Click through the files on the left to see his different versions of the weather beast, from smokey to watery to a molten color core.