Lighting continues! Animation is getting closer to final in 020_tryout now, so I was able to address more notes by Vivien to get closer to the color script. The barn background was finally added to all the interior shots and even got a first pass in 010_intro on the rocket exterior!
This week I spent less time on Pets and worked on some minor changes in the rocket interior. Added a broken hull and made smaller adjustments to the door.
I contributed a bit this week on the destruction passes of the barn set.
This week I continued with the colorscript, explored options for the enhanced reality effect, gave notes on shading and started preparing for upcoming tasks like the big ground painting. I also helped with artwork for the Annecy animation festival!
This week animation team is working on finishing seq 020, also started 030 and 040. Rik is also joining doing some animations, so the team is growing. Poselibs for the two characters are done, so that will hopefully speed up the process
I finished shading the barn, made some tweaks to the cat shading, did overall improvements and fixes on our outline rendering system to produce less errors and went over all the remaining props to give them a quick initial shading pass.