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As the last entry in the series to finish up the demo artwork this lesson goes over some more advanced applications of the brushstroke setup to use it for stable deformation on an animatable mesh, as well as some other more niche tips for the brushstroke workflow.
my brush strokes in a fill layer aren't responding to any of the flow options. They pretty much remain random and chaotic but i'd like them to be directional . When I try to draw the flow, I see vectors appear for the stroke, but the visible strokes don't change
@Luke Paulina Hard to say what the issue is here. Try isolating the issue and creating a bug report with more information here:
I used the boids system to make a flock of flying birds with this brushstroke addon. I chose the whole collecttion in the render tab, but the brushstrokes didn't show up. Why ?
@Willy Xia Looks like that's a bug. Since Geometry Nodes are eventually going to replace all of the functionality of the old particle system, the compatibility is unfortunately limited. But please feel free to make a report and it might get fixed before that happens.
Can we apply a painterly effect to a character using the deformer settings after the animation on the base rig is complete? I have a project where I want to implement this painterly effect on the rigs, but the tutorial I found doesn't demonstrate how to do this with animated rigs in an environment.
@Oboh Michael You just need to toggle the Deforming Surface
setting. There is also a switch in the advanced panel to toggle this automatically when creating a new brushstroke layer. The brushstrokes can either be created as part of the rig, or on-the-fly in the shots.
The way I'm demonstrating it here for the wall is no different to how it can be used for animated characters.
Hey great job on this, its a fantastic tool. Very interested in the customization of the brush textures, what we have by default is good but would like to try sampling my own
@Fergal We're planning to release more packs of brush styles here, alongside a guide of creating your own soon! First I still want to streamline that process a bit more, so I'm not sure how soon exactly that will be but keep an eye on our social media channels/blog the coming weeks
hi Simon, this addon looks amazing but im getting black lines when filling any object and im wondering how can i fix this issue. Its happening both in eevee and cycles
@Michał Byczkowski I'm mentioning it in this video. You can generally try avoiding intersections with surface offset and random tilt. For Eevee you can also try setting the Material's render method to Blended
. With Cycles this should happen a lot less, but you need to make sure to crank up the transparency passes, for example by running the render setup operator in the advanced panel of the add-on.
@Simon Thommes yes, setting the render method fixed everything. Thank you. I have another issue tho. When trying to add draw layer one of my fill layer resets and changes color to bright blue and the settings for shape are reset. Any idea what might be the issue ?
@Michał Byczkowski I don't know why that might be happening. If you can reproduce the issue it would be good if you could make a bug report. It's linked on the extension page.
This is amazing.
A super cool tutorial, thank you Simon and the Blender Studio team, it's so cool we've gotten this amazing silver lining from Project Gold.
I think my machine started to slow down when I added many many duplicates of tiny strokes with the fishies, but I found that I could disable the painter effects for a smoother performance before rendering, and that really helped.
To get some grease pencil sketches in here, I also experimented with exporting a snapshot to a new project, drawing in the characters, and then appending the original file. Both were effective ways of working when the computer started chugging.
Thank you guys, I had some fun making little scenes after I finished. Silly me might have accidently deleted a few pieces as I was moving things around for composition, but yay story!
@Laura Gingrich Thank you, Laura! I'm glad :)
Another thank you from me too for the extension and tutorials, this was awesome!
Very nice set of tools! Thanks for the tutorials!!
I'm not sure why but i started my own new project and adding any kind of painterly effect makes my blender run terribly. But yours runs fine. I have like 2 meshes with the painterly effect applied with very similar settings and i cant even adjust a setting without it lagging like crazy. Any ideas would be helpful.
@chaz mcclaine As I'm mentioning in the beginning of the series, this kind of effect is quite computationally intensive. That's both for the Brushstrokes distribution and the rendering. So you need high level hardware to run this smoothly, unfortunately.
Thanks for your handwork in this series! I'm super exited to play with the skills i have learned.
Hi Simon, thank you for creating this great and very well explained workshop. I'm really excited about this addon and the potential it has both as a creative toybox and also for future developments. Can't wait to get going with my own projects. Thank you to everyone involved in developing this wonderful addon.
hi Simon, really great workshop well explainted the features. thank you
Thank you for a great training series. This new addon has so much potential. Thank you to ALL involved.
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