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This week I picked up the outside view of the factory that Beau was working on last week. The wide shots of the building will all be Cycles renders with some touch ups in Krita. After that they will be comp'ed into the Eevee-rendered foregrounds.
This week was about destroying machines along the conveyor belt. These versiona will receive additional explosion fx and adjustments to wrap everything up.
This week I spent mostly doing shading on the factory robot characters, the packbot and the security bot. The shading is to a large part procedural, so that it makes it easy and quick to apply. It does mean, that I had to do a bunch of topology/creasing/bevel weight changes to give the shader the right information for edge detection.
The target for this week was to finish a first (rough) pass of lighting of the entire movie. That meant setting up shots for the 030_enter montage sequence, featuring the guard's room and security camera assets that Beau had been working on the last couple of weeks. Also, the remainder of 050_alarm, namely the destruction shots (which are still only rough mockup geo) had to be lit. As for right now, only sequence 080_escape is missing to complete the first lighting pass of the entire film... that's for next week!
This week the outside of the factory received an upgrade of pipes, fences, road, and more structures. differences between the factory and the shacks should be visually emphasized. Andy will pick this up and continue developing this area.
This week I mainly worked on the shading of the factory floor set that the majority of the film will take place in. Other than that I did some RnD to create dynamic lens flares that Andy can already use in the lighting stage directly in the shots.
This week I started working on surfacing the factory set to try hit the realism mark we are aiming for and revisited the explosion fx to investigate how we can best integrate smoke clouds into some of our shots.
This week I tried to push forward the lighting of as many scenes as possible. In most shots, the effects still need to be added. Bullet impacts and smoke are still placeholders, as are the pink color spats on the security robot.
This week was mostly about adding details and textures to the guard room like the magazines and monitors. The extra work this week was from previous weeks like the security cameras and geometry nodes.
This week (combined with last week) I wrapped up my work on procedural wrinkle maps for Einar's facial details and also worked on FX assets for fire and explosions using geometry nodes. Other than that I continued with shading, giving the batter prop an initial pass.
This week I worked on the lighting of 3 scenes: 010_opening, 020_journey and 090_swap. The idea was to finalize the mood inside Einar's hut as much as possible for both, the beginning and the ending of the film. I also did a very quick blocking of the factory silhouette which can be seen in 020_journey. The main shape is there, details and textures still need to be figured out.