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Let's round up the natural environment with the small stream running through the scene. This lesson combines the previously shown techniques and adds to it by showing how the result can be animated.
Hello, I'm desperate to know how to get the brushstroketool in my rendering pass! Is it possible? on Evee of course
when I animate my scene I get a flickering on the brush strokes. any idea why this would be happening?
@brad Peterson Check out part 7. There I talk about deformation of the underlying mesh.
Hello ! Is there a video that explains how to animate the tool in draw mode? I'm having trouble getting the hang of the tool at this level, but it's incredible!
@charlotte That is more of an experimental feature at this point. Additionally it will be redundant once the addon is compatible with Grease Pencil (missing node tool execution support right now). But you can find some basic information in the documentation of the addon:
@Simon Thommes thanks a lot !!
@Simon Thommes What do you mean by 'this addon is not compatible with Grease Pencil'? And what's the plan to integrate the two?
@Elena Felici The draw tool works by executing a node-tool. This is not supported by Grease Pencil yet. This is planned, but it's not clear for which release. When using the built-in draw operator instead it should work fine.
@Simon Thommes Understood, it would be interesting seeing a combination of Grease Pencil and Brushstrokes Tool in a piece. Guess it's not going to be long until someone figures it out! Thanks!
@Elena Felici Well, as I said, it should already work with limitations. That's what we used in some shots on the Gold project. And to have it fully compatible we just need node tool execution on GP which is on the roadmap for Blender development.
You can see that work here, for example: in the GEO NODES MEETS GREASE PENCIL
@Simon Thommes Super interesting! I wonder though.. since the two tools do have overlapping functionalities, when do you find yourself using one vs. the other?
For example, in the 'GEO NODES MEETS GREASE PENCIL' paragraph of the article you shared, I can see you've used the Grease Pencil tool for the water splashes. That could have been done with the Brushstrokes Tool too, right? Why choosing one rather than the other?
Thanks in advance!
@Elena Felici We used grease pencil for the animation capabilities. One tool doesn't overtake the other, they should be used in combination.
@Simon Thommes Ok! All clear! Thank you for dedicating the time to answering all of my stupid questions haha I'll keep on following the updates of both GP and the brushstrokes tool. You guys rock!
@Simon Thommes Merci !!
The ability to animate with auto ceed change and keyframes of other parameters is really fantastic!!! I also understood that you can slow down the ceed animation by /2 value, right?
Simon, could you please advise how to open brush flow - mark on Mac? It doesn't work when I use ctrl-opt-f on Mac.
@Yuri GPON Hm, on my MacOS machine it works fine. Could it be that the shortcut is colliding with your system keymap in some way?
In any case, you can change the shortcut to be whatever you like in the user preferences. Simply go to the Keymap
tab and search for Mark Brushstroke Data
Every time I add a new draw layer on top of for example 2 fill layers it bugs to a black texture. Is there a way to fix this? So for example the draw in foam layer on top of the stream foam and stream surface fills.
@Jelle Boekhout From my experience, this usually happens when you forget to name the previous material.
@cgdgiorgos @Jelle Boekhout I haven't been able to reproduce the issue please make a report on , as mentioned on the extension page on how to reproduce the issue, so it can be fixed.
Stuff I adjusted in my Fishing Hut - I checked "dappling" when painting the foam. Looks cool.
I also tweaked the river animation, instead of shuffling the seed, I added a noise modifier to the shape noise keys, then duplicated the layer with an adjusted phase in the modifier (done on both foam and surface). Laaaazy river now.
@Laura Gingrich Great solution! I was thinking about making the river more calm, but I didn't want to over-complicate the setup for the course. Using dappled strokes for the painted foam is a great idea too, I should have probably done that to also explain that feature in the process!
@Simon Thommes i slowed down the river by dividing the seed by 4
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