I tried to do the same finger tracking. I got stuck even before getting to the first step. I filmed my marked finger with iPhone. Since I'm left handed, I held camera with my left hand and when I import .mov file into blender, the video is upside down. Is there a way I can flip it? I can't seem to find any transform properties in clip editor.
Aug. 18th, 2021
At 31:48 the Trail Count function underneath Render doen't seem to be available in 2.9. Is there some other way to replicate this feature?
Huân Lê-Vương
July 14th, 2020
a tip, you won't see anything in 2.83 render if you use "Halo". Instead, make a sphere object, apply an emision material to it and in the particle render, choose object and select that sphere.
Huân Lê-Vương
July 15th, 2020
Using color ramp in shading mode to change the particle color overtime. There are tutorials around the internet.
Huân Lê-Vương
July 13th, 2020
in 2.83, to display marker search area, on the top right of the clip viewer, click clip display, it's at the bottom of the dropdown menu...
Huân Lê-Vương
July 13th, 2020
please update this tutorial
Jan. 29th, 2020
If anyone is having trouble Reconstructing the track into an empty in the view port make sure you have the MARKER selected and then activate link empty to track. And then if you want the track to show in your default layout make sure Motion Tracking is checked in the Viewport Overlays at the corner left.
Had trouble getting through that part in the video since im using Blender 2.8. Love the Motion Tracking Video :D
Collins Okech Swah
Nov. 3rd, 2019
Is there an alternative or any other way in which i can use halo particles in blender 2.8?
Collins Okech Swah
Nov. 3rd, 2019
how do i add materials and textures for the particles in blender 2.8 and what render engine should i use?
Collins Okech Swah
Nov. 3rd, 2019
I am using blender 2.8 for this but I cannot add a material for the particles and it also won't show in the compositing render layers. Any suggestions to go about this please?
Hi!, thanks so much for this, I{m enjoying learning from Francesco, just an easy question, how do I make the video preview that is showed in the min 27 in the 2.8? I cannot find the way. Thanks again, Pablo
Dec. 25th, 2018
This so far has been the best introduction to motion tracking in blender for me. I've tried YouTube but they tend to be a little bit more disjointed. And only a few people I have seen break it down to be a little bit more easier for newbies.
Dec. 31st, 2018
*@dustin.meyer.001* a few things at 27:20 in blender 2.79 the Camera Clip is check and the video wasn't showing up until I unchecked that box. in this mode if you dont see the time lines you might be in full screen mode still you can press Shift+Space and your timeline will reappear again.
Noé Chilel
Nov. 19th, 2018
Great! work in Blender 2.79b, Nov. 2018. Thanks B.
Mark Raymond
Sept. 24th, 2017
I so very much appreciate all the details being covered here. I've watched this video a while back and am glad to note for myself how much more I've picked up this time. I have felt overwhelmed at times with tring to grasp the many steps needed to complete different task in Blender. Refering back to these detailed videos no matter what version of Blender is being used in the video and the one I am using is proving to be very useful for me. I do hope that Blender cloud will continue to keep these available as I am sure I'll be coming back to them all more then a few times when I get stuck on something I'm trying to do in Blender in the future. Thank you Franceso Siddi and every one who has placed so much effort into Blender Foundation.
Juri Unt
Sept. 10th, 2017
This is great! Thorough tutorial with real life challenges (e.g mblur footage). Well explained and presented!
Jay Versluis
Dec. 4th, 2016
Just a note on displaying the video here: make sure that Camera Clip is unchecked, otherwise no footage will show up in the 3D View.
Iftikhar iftikhar
Oct. 2nd, 2016
How blender cloud will grow their customer not uploading new content it seem like I came to cemetery not to blender cloud everything is out dated
Pablo Vazquez
Oct. 3rd, 2016
@diljaljaiga: Tracking tools haven't changed much, you can follow these tutorials with the current Blender. If there's any big difference please let us know.
We're currently working on the Agent 327 project. Check out the tutorials we've made so far, including texturing tips, walk-cycle and animation reviews with a level you won't find anywhere else in the Blender community.
We need to work in presenting better all the new material we're making. It's a lot! But sometimes it gets buried under so much content.
Thanks for the feedback!
kosta petrou
Dec. 27th, 2015
i have an issue '' 01 point tracking tutorial ''i track the finger everything looks ok but after parenting the empty to the track the empty doesn't match the finger it moves with an offset ,
Join to comment publicly.
Thanks 🙏
Fantastic stuff.. Thank you!
I tried to do the same finger tracking. I got stuck even before getting to the first step. I filmed my marked finger with iPhone. Since I'm left handed, I held camera with my left hand and when I import .mov file into blender, the video is upside down. Is there a way I can flip it? I can't seem to find any transform properties in clip editor.
At 31:48 the Trail Count function underneath Render doen't seem to be available in 2.9. Is there some other way to replicate this feature?
a tip, you won't see anything in 2.83 render if you use "Halo". Instead, make a sphere object, apply an emision material to it and in the particle render, choose object and select that sphere.
Using color ramp in shading mode to change the particle color overtime. There are tutorials around the internet.
in 2.83, to display marker search area, on the top right of the clip viewer, click clip display, it's at the bottom of the dropdown menu...
please update this tutorial
If anyone is having trouble Reconstructing the track into an empty in the view port make sure you have the MARKER selected and then activate link empty to track. And then if you want the track to show in your default layout make sure Motion Tracking is checked in the Viewport Overlays at the corner left.
Had trouble getting through that part in the video since im using Blender 2.8. Love the Motion Tracking Video :D
Is there an alternative or any other way in which i can use halo particles in blender 2.8?
how do i add materials and textures for the particles in blender 2.8 and what render engine should i use?
I am using blender 2.8 for this but I cannot add a material for the particles and it also won't show in the compositing render layers. Any suggestions to go about this please?
*@Collins Okech Swah* Halo mode won't work in 2.8, its a Blender Render thing, This ay help. https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/137328/are-blender-2-8-halo-particles-meant-to-render-edit-or-any-particle-for-that
Hi!, thanks so much for this, I{m enjoying learning from Francesco, just an easy question, how do I make the video preview that is showed in the min 27 in the 2.8? I cannot find the way. Thanks again, Pablo
This so far has been the best introduction to motion tracking in blender for me. I've tried YouTube but they tend to be a little bit more disjointed. And only a few people I have seen break it down to be a little bit more easier for newbies.
*@dustin.meyer.001* a few things at 27:20 in blender 2.79 the Camera Clip is check and the video wasn't showing up until I unchecked that box. in this mode if you dont see the time lines you might be in full screen mode still you can press Shift+Space and your timeline will reappear again.
Great! work in Blender 2.79b, Nov. 2018. Thanks B.
I so very much appreciate all the details being covered here. I've watched this video a while back and am glad to note for myself how much more I've picked up this time. I have felt overwhelmed at times with tring to grasp the many steps needed to complete different task in Blender. Refering back to these detailed videos no matter what version of Blender is being used in the video and the one I am using is proving to be very useful for me. I do hope that Blender cloud will continue to keep these available as I am sure I'll be coming back to them all more then a few times when I get stuck on something I'm trying to do in Blender in the future. Thank you Franceso Siddi and every one who has placed so much effort into Blender Foundation.
This is great! Thorough tutorial with real life challenges (e.g mblur footage). Well explained and presented!
Just a note on displaying the video here: make sure that Camera Clip is unchecked, otherwise no footage will show up in the 3D View.
How blender cloud will grow their customer not uploading new content it seem like I came to cemetery not to blender cloud everything is out dated
@diljaljaiga: Tracking tools haven't changed much, you can follow these tutorials with the current Blender. If there's any big difference please let us know.
We're currently working on the Agent 327 project. Check out the tutorials we've made so far, including texturing tips, walk-cycle and animation reviews with a level you won't find anywhere else in the Blender community.
We need to work in presenting better all the new material we're making. It's a lot! But sometimes it gets buried under so much content.
Thanks for the feedback!
i have an issue '' 01 point tracking tutorial ''i track the finger everything looks ok but after parenting the empty to the track the empty doesn't match the finger it moves with an offset ,