This week I spent most of my time working on Blender development in form of a Geometry Nodes workshop we had in person here in the Blender headquarters. Other than that I spent a little bit of time integrating my previous work into the pipeline and rendering out comparisons to have a better view on the animation style.
Set up multiple shots for layout and did a mockup for the Barn scene.
This week was all about setting up the interior for layout. so no final design, but mockup of buttons, levers and machinery that would be interacted with. I also want to do some slight changes to the rocket design to fit the newest version of the story better.
My first week on “Pet Projects” I spent time familiarizing myself with the rigs, brushing up on the pipeline and doing a couple of fun test shots with Dog and Cat.
This week animation team started to animate seq 020, rig still are WIP mostly on the facial part, so the face expressions are still off