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CloudRig provides a bit more granular of a system for organizing your bones into different bone groups and bone layers than base Rigify, and it also handles selection sets differently.
Update from the future: This system has been updated to support bone collections, and adds some handy features to them as well. Learn more on the wiki.
Hi Demeter. I have a question about the Bone Colections on Cloud Rig. I'm working on a rig that needs to have some drivers that hide some colections. I added some boleans in the character custom properties bone to control the drivers and added them to the Character UI. After that I copied each one as a driver and pasted it in the eye icon on the corresponding bone group. The driver works fine but every time I regenerate the rig the driver gets deleted and I have to do it over and over again everytime the animator requests some modification to the rig. I have toggled the preserve on regenerate button on the bone colections but it does not preserve the driver. Is there another way I can tell cloud rig to presenve the drivers asigned to the bone groups?
@Nicolas Ruarte Hi! me again with another question about bone organization related to the previous one. I´m having a similar problem with bone group colors. My animator wants all the selected and active bones to have the same color and all the default options for color selection in the cloud rig parameters have selected and active colors too similar to the main bone group color. I tryed asigning a custom bone color in the Meta rig but everytime I regenerate the rig it turns out black. I worked around that by aplying the custom color set in the generated rig but everytime I have to regenerate the rig that gets lost. Is there a way I can modify the default color scheme that cloud rig comes with? I dont mind editing some python script if you could point to me in wich one the color variables get created
@Nicolas Ruarte I wanted to push CloudRig towards not supporting custom colors, as at some point there was some initiative on the core Blender development side for improving the preset colors and providing user preferences for the feature you're describing, but then it kinda didn't go anywhere. I would recommend to assign the consistent selection/active colors in the post-generation script. Alternatively, you can change the bone color presets in your preferences, and use those, as they will propagate to the generated rig and get converted to custom colors.
good morning, I've searched everywhere but I can't find a way to select multiple selection sets of the rig at the same time, for example both legs or arms without having to make other selection sets that include the 2 legs, thanks for all
Hi Demeter! My Selection Sets are disappearing when I regenerate the rig. Are they preserved only for CloudRig? I'm using Rigby system on version 3.3.1.
@Julio Cargnin Pereira Yes, the SelectionSet preservation is a CloudRig feature, I'm not sure if there are plans to include it in Rigify.
@Demeter Dzadik I approached you at bcon22 and requested a couple of quality of life improvements to be pushed into rigify from cloundrig. You listened me and appreciated that! I met Nathan as well and he was so attentive (great guy!)! But it seems not of you are in charge to make these improvements to rigify to happen... I'm still looking for the right guy to poke (haha). Also both of you comically declare to hate these rigging systems you've created for Blender... but it is what it is so I'll be poking around.
Yes, it was very successfully communicated. Thank a lot Demeter.
Hi, Thank you for the video documentation. It was very helpful. I some time face an issue. When I delete a custom bone group on generated rig, they keep appeating after regeneration. Do you know how can I solve this? Thanks :)
@Utkarsh Agnihotri Yes, you want to delete them from the MetaRig.
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