This video introduces CloudRig, the Rigify feature set (now standalone Extension since the making of this series) used to create the control rigs of all or most of the characters on Sprite Fright (and later Charge, and Wing It, and Gold, and hopefully many more).
You can also find more learning resources on the wiki.
Do I understand correctly that CloudRig is now independent from Rigify and completely it's own thing?
@KSDN Yep, that's correct as of Blender 4.1. You can get CloudRig from the Extensions platform: (It says compatible with 4.2 but that's because the platform won't let me set it as 4.1, but it should work on 4.1, for now at least.)
Hey Demeter,
Awesome work on the CloudRig addon, it is really a piece of art :)
I am trying to understand what your current way of creating mouth rigs is.
I watched the following videos you created to extract your workflow: (Live Character Rigging with Demeter Dzadik #3) (Rigging With Geometry Nodes on "Wing It!")
In Sprite Fright you have used the "Face Grid" component, but in the documentation ( you mention that this is not your recommended workflow.
What is your current recommended workflow to create a mouth rig?
@Visiks Hey, actually the last time I used the face grid stuff was for Rain, I think.
Nowadays, I just place normal bones for everything except eyelids (where I still use bbone chains), and rig them using Action Constraints. So this part of the CloudRig wiki is most relevant: I hope that helps.
lost I just need to know how to rig my characters an able to use pupa animation. Please someone help me!! Thanks And God Bless!!!
I have auto rig pro an I also have pupa animation. An for some reason it’s just not working for me. Am I just need a little help on getting starts. I keep getting an error where I can find no help on it. If I can screenshot u them problem. I need a lot of help. I’m working on my second movie. Am I was just using iclone 8 a character creator 4. An I’m freshly new to blender . Am I know some stuff when it comes to iclone to blender I know all that how that work. But once I get into blender im
@ceasar Hey mate, I'm not sure if this is entirely on topic here, it sounds like you just need general beginner help. I would advise to try describing your problem with pictures on a general user help website like Blender StackExcahnge, or BlenderArtists, etc.
I have blender 4.1 and i downloaded the newest cloud rig that was on the website and it said it was for the wrong version, is there any versions for 4.1?
@Anya Wild Sorry, CloudRig underwent a re-write during Blender 4.1, so support for that Blender version was skipped. But for Blender 4.2, it should be working again:
Hi i install blender on stream and when i install Cloundrig as feature on v4.0 and 4.1 and 3.6 by match version but it also tell me that version mismatch detected how should i do
@pakpoom boonksuol Support for Blender 4.1 was skipped, but for Blender 4.2, downloading the latest version from here should work, at the time of writing this comment: In the future, there will be an appropriate version tagged on the Releases page:
Does this work in Grease Pencil?
@Ronald Hicks I'm not currently up to date on the capabilities of GP objects to be deformed by Armatures, but in the past it was not great. Maybe it's better now, sorry, I haven't tried!
Is there going to be a new version of Cloud Rig coming out for V 4.0?
@Alexander Helou Yessir, I'm working on it! You can see it on a branch of the repo, called individual_addon. It's in a pretty stable state now, just a couple more features and documentation is missing.
Hi just installed on 3.4 . The cloud basic human does not apear in the sub menu..
@Jim Turner Hey, are you sure you're using the version of CloudRig that is meant for that Blender version? It's this one:
@Demeter Dzadik in 3.4 it says not an addon when I go to install
@Adam Temple CloudRig is not an add-on, it's a Rigify featureset, see the front page of the repo for installation instructions.
Also I think you should add your youtube Live rigging with Demeter Dzadik here. That video is very helpful.
@Adam Temple Good idea, done, both here and on the CloudRig landing page, thanks!
I'm getting 404 links in the wiki under the Actions & Face Rigging section
@Adam Temple Thanks, great catch, fixed now!
Never knew that Cloud Rig was THIS powerfull. Thx a lot for the in-deep tutorial. Will need to try this out soon :-)
what version can i download for Blender 3.0.1? I can't seem to get it working at all ?
@Cathy Simms Hey, I forgot to add the 3.0->3.1 tag to the Releases, it should be there now:
@Demeter Dzadik hi I've tried to the cloud rig feature set and I keep getting a message saying the feature set must contain one base directory. Can you please assist me with this? I am on Mac OS.
@Ariel Paniagua Hmm, could you try manually extracting the CloudRig folder to your Blender config/scripts/rigify folder? Do any other feature sets work?
@Demeter Dzadik oh brilliant. Thanks so much!
it shows the Cloud_Humans section but there is no rig inside that section
@Basil Al battashi You can go to the Addon Preferences and start a bug report there, it will be appreciated. Make sure you're on the matching Blender version, and check the terminal/console for any warnings.
@Demeter Dzadik great, thank you
Thank you for great tutorials! Are you going to add some more tutorials for face rig including mouth, tongue, eyelid and so on? By the way, cloud_face_chain or cloud_eye link in CloudRig wiki does not work.
@ArcticFox Thanks! Yes, I will be getting started on producing another batch of videos soon, including stuff relating to face rigging, but for that one there's a bit more to it than rig types, more to it than just Rigify/CloudRig, even!
Looks interesting—I'll have a look!
But first, Demeter: tell us what you REALLY think about the legacy layer system.... =)
Great! :)
Thanks, for getting this up before Xmas, like you promised at the after party!
Great great thanks Demeter for sharing this knowledge. The cloud rig is supper cool.
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