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6: Compositing & Finishing
April 3rd, 2017
License: CC-BYIn the final stages of editing, there's still room for improvement. From final color correction tweaks to sprucing up cuts and transitions, the project edit is finalized in the Blender editor.
Midge, thank you so much for the knowledge that you've shared in the workflow section :)
@rabh.chr You're very welcome!
Yes, I have enjoyed it indeed. Lots of food for thought here, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
how long did this whole design and composition process take you? like generally from start to finish.
Great video tutorials. Did you use other soft like after, premiere or any extra tool when you are working for clients? I wandering if you miss some of their feature which are not supported in blender.
@Lionel Caruana: Not really. I've been able to move my entire workflow over to free software. I use Kdenlive for editing mostly and some other FOSS stuff for little bits and bobs. But Blender has become my main tool for almost everything.
Midge, this stuff is awsome. So much info and inspiration. Thank you for sharing!
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