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Source Files
April 3rd, 2017
License: CC-BYThis archive contains all of the Blenderman source files, excluding the rendered sequences.
If, upon opening the source files, you get a "missing library" error, you'll need to re-link the blendeman assets from the Blenderman_IMPORT file.
You can do this by setting your outliner to "Blender File" and looking for the libraries. Then, right-click on the missing library and hit relocate. This will open a file selection dialog and you can select the Blenderman_IMPORT file included in the download to fix the broken link.
Check out workflow video 03a (Basic Lighting) for more information in case the above explanation proved to be unclear.
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Hey Midge, I'm looking at BMG_shot_002.blend trying to learn how you made the parts (BMan.004) assemble form faces. I can see that the vert group mask is referenced in the modifier stack, but I don't see any verts in the group. I am also confused about the UV maps. How did you create them? why the different uvmaps?
@talmore1: So basically the way I've set it up is a total hack, but it works. ;) I found that by setting up the Vertex Weight Edit modifier with an inverted curve, I can control what's added in to the vertex group with a texture. So the vertex group is just there as a placeholder. The mask UV serves the purpose of mapping that texture on the mesh. I actually explain the process step by step in this part of the course:
@talmore1: That is exactly what I was missing! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
@mantissa: Thanks. Some how I completely missed that group of videos when I went through the course. I find it funny how many CG artists are apologetic for using "hacks" to accomplish visual goals. Its all tools. The final result is the goal whatever it takes to get there is fair play.