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9: Particles Emitting Particles
April 3rd, 2017
License: CC-BYWhen caching a lot of particles, data management becomes very important. Large particle caches can take up a lot of disk space, so be sure to think about where you're saving all your cache files. They can also slow Blender down significantly, so test things out in small numbers before you do your final baking.
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Where can I use this ?
This has been an amazing tutorial, just wanna say thanks Midge! Couple of quick questions.... is there tips to deal with these file sizes when your GPU is basically non-existent and you are relying on CPU... also is there a way to change the particle sizes in 2.83? It's a little different than the version you are using
@Jennifer Angelina Kersch Hey, apologies for the late reply. You should be able to change the particle size under the "Render" tab of the particle settings. The cache has some options for compression you could play around with to keep the file sizes down, but it will be slower to read and write. :)