There should be less time spent on the fast timelapse demonstration bits and more time explaining things like topology principles maybe. It's hard to follow whith the timelapses bacause the model keeps jerking around and it's hard to ever get a proper view of what's happening without constantly pausing and scrolling to find the right view of what has been done. There's a big difference between tutorial and demonstration, and it often feels more like a demonstration.
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There should be less time spent on the fast timelapse demonstration bits and more time explaining things like topology principles maybe. It's hard to follow whith the timelapses bacause the model keeps jerking around and it's hard to ever get a proper view of what's happening without constantly pausing and scrolling to find the right view of what has been done. There's a big difference between tutorial and demonstration, and it often feels more like a demonstration.
@parkipos Pause on, pause off. parkipos san.
Too fast for tutorial!1
@Dmitry Kozichev set speed 0,5 :)