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Work in Progress

30 Apr. 2023 - The content of this page is currently being edited/updated.


Artists at Blender Studio use Linux workstations, running Gentoo Linux. While the infrastructure is meant to support other Operating Systems, it's primarily designed to work in an eterogeneous enviroment, where every machine is setup in a similar way.

Artist workstations double as clients for the render farm.

Shared storage

We use two shared drives

  • /render to store render farm output
  • /shared to store project and shared data

Link to setup guide

Version Control System

We use SVN. While providing a higher barrier of entry, it provides a robust and efficient way to store and version large binary files during the course of a production.

This means we need an SVN service (can be in the LAN, or online)

Network/Web Services

  • Syncthing (needs access to /shared)
  • Flamenco (render farm needs access to /shared and /render)
  • Kitsu (production tracker can be hosted anywhere)
  • Watchtower (needs access to Kitsu)

Other Dependencies

We rely on the Blender Buildbot infrastructure to provide Blender builds to the workstations.