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SVN Set-Up

Install/Setup SVN

The Blender Studio Pipeline relies on SVN to version control all .blend files used in production. This guide will show you how to install an SVN on a workstation, assuming you already have an SVN server setup. To learn more about how to setup an SVN server visit the SVN Documentation


  1. Install SVN Client on your system via the SVN Documentation
  2. Use the following command to checkout the current SVN repository into the SVN directory.
svn checkout http://your_svn.url ~/data/your_project_name/svn
svn checkout http://your_svn.url ~/data/your_project_name/svn


  1. Download & Install the TortoiseSVN Client
  2. Navigate to your project's root directory. Right-Click Select the svn folder and select SVN Checkout
  3. Enter the URL to checkout under URL of repository
  4. Select OK to begin checking out the repository

Tortoise SVN Checkout Dialogue Box

Committing Changes to Repository


To commit changes to the SVN use the following command. For more details see the SVN Documentation

svn commit -m "My Descriptive Log Message"
svn commit -m "My Descriptive Log Message"


To commit changes from the TortoiseSVN client, follow the steps below. For more information see the TortoiseSVN Documentation

  1. Navigate to your project's root directory.
  2. Right-Click Select the svn folder and select SVN Commit
  3. Enter your commit's message in the box labelled Message
  4. Review what files have changed in the box labelled Changes made


For more details on how to set-up an SVN repository please see the official SVN Documentation and the TortoiseSVN Documentation