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Workflow Enhancements

CloudRig includes several quality of life features, each with a default hotkey. If these interfere with your workflow, you can easily rebind or disable them in the preferences.

MetaRig Swapping / Generation

  • Shift+T swaps between a metarig and its generated rig, syncing bone collections, visibility, and selection.
  • Shift+T on a mesh object enters pose mode on its deforming armature, if any.
  • Ctrl+Alt+R regenerates the active metarig/rig. If there is only one metarig in the scene, it doesn't need to be active.

Better Duplicate & Extrude

  • E (Extrude) and Shift+D (Duplicate) increment bone names:
    • Duplicating Bone1 creates Bone2, not Bone1.001.
    • Hold Shift while confirming to keep the original numbering.
  • Handles occupied names: if Bone2 exists, it creates Bone3.
  • Supports symmetry: increments names on the opposite side.
  • Shift+D also copies drivers on bone and constraint properties.

Bone Selection Pie (Alt+D)

Select bones related to the active bone. Available in Pose, Weight Paint, and Edit modes.

  • Up/Down: Select a bone with a higher/lower number in its name, e.g., from Hair1.L to Hair2.L.
  • Left/Right: Select the parent bone or a child bone. Multiple children are shown in a drop-down menu.
  • Top Left/Right: Select bones that target or are targeted by this bone via constraints.
  • Bottom Left: Select the start and end handles of Bendy Bones.
  • Bottom Right: Open a pop-up menu to search for a bone by name.

Bone Specials Pie (X)

Bone deletion and symmetry.

  • Toggle Armature X-Mirror: Toggle symmetrical armature editing.
  • Toggle Pose X-Mirror: Toggle symmetrical posing.
  • Delete: Deletes selected bones and their drivers. Works in Pose Mode. Indicates X-Mirror status to prevent accidental deletions.
  • (Enhanced) Symmetrize: Works in Pose Mode. Symmetrizes Actions of Action Constraints. Attempts to symmetrize drivers.

Bone Parenting Pie (P)

Quickly parent and un-parent bones without having to enter Edit Mode.

  • Clear Parent: Clear the parent of selected bones.
  • Selected to Active: Parent all selected bones to the active one.
  • Disconnect: Disconnect a bone from its parent without un-parenting, allowing free translation.
  • Parent & Connect: Parent selected bones to the active one, and connect them to the parent.
  • Active to All Selected: Parent the active bone to all other selected bones equally using an Armature Constraint.
  • Parent Object to All Selected: Parent selected objects outside of the active armature equally among all selected bones using Armature Constraints.

Edit Custom Shapes Pie (Ctrl+Alt+E)

A comprehensive toolset to manage bone custom shapes.

  • Edit Transforms: Quick access to custom shape transform properties.
  • Unassign Custom Shape: Remove the custom shape from selected bones.
  • Assign Selected Object: Set the selected mesh object as the custom shape of selected bones.
  • Reload Custom Shapes: Reload widgets from the Widgets.blend file, discarding any modifications to them.
  • Edit Custom Shapes: Enter mesh edit mode on the selected bones' widgets. Press Ctrl+Alt+E again to return to pose mode.
  • Select Custom Shape: Assign a widget from a library to the selected bones. Local objects named "WGT-" will also be listed.
  • Duplicate & Edit Custom Shapes: Duplicate selected bones' widgets before editing them. Handy when you want to edit only one usage of a widget, not all of them.
  • Copy to Selected: Copy the custom shape and transforms from the active bone selected bones.

Bone Collections pop-up (Shift+M)

A pop-up menu to can access bone collections without leaving the 3D View. Available with the rig, even if a user doesn't have CloudRig installed.

Quick Select (Shift+Alt+W)

Pops up a list of collections that were marked to be included in this list. Clicking on one of them selects the bones within. Shift+Click extends the selection. Ctrl+Click symmetrizes the selection. Alt+Click deselects the collection's bones. Available with the rig, even if a user doesn't have CloudRig installed.