A look over several potential UV creating workflows in Blender.
Where could i find this nice background image?
When I select "Textured Solid" in the Cycles render engine, I don't see the texture on my object. Does it not work the same as Blender Render?
@wowplayer808: Hiya, I had the same issue in Cycles and found this link that worked. https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/86329/i-uv-unwrapped-my-mesh-but-the-image-texture-doesnt-show-in-my-object/86331
At 6:24 how did you simultaneously select -and edit - all three RGB values. Key-help in bottom right corner doesn't seem to reveal that.
@rvdberg757: I had a play, hold shift and select all three and is will then allow you to add one number in the first selected and it changes all. :)
at 1 min 21 seconds no clue what you're talking about uv doesnt pop up at random
Lightmapping warrants a very important tutorial should provide one
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