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Section 7 - 3D Painting
Sept. 24th, 2015
License: CC-BYUsing the cavity masking option to isolate exposed edges and paint a worn chipped feel over those areas.
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Today I've had trouble playing the videos. They all appear to have the error "html5: Video file not found" for me.
@Robert Lytle: Please send an email to for things like this, instead of posting a comment to a random asset. That way we can properly investigate the issue, and get it fixed as soon as possible.
@Dr. Sybren: Thankfully it seems to have been a temporary issue that wasn't on my end. Yesterday I sent a link to the free chapters of this guide to several others to see if they received the same error, which they did. Today, however, the videos are back up, so thank you for resolving the issue. If possible I think this comment chain should be deleted since it now seems irrelevant.