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More UV techniques explored while unwrapping the cable.
When I try to use the 'Follow active quads' command (with average length mode), I end up getting a distorted bow-tie shape in my UV editor instead of a nice flat rectangle. What gives?
When I force a seam along the long dimension of the cable to straighten it out, I get a distorted rectangle-like shape but none of the lines are square to the axes.
*@tankcrusher210* 1 year to late but for future reference, I unwrapped the active face alone before doing a ctrl + l select and doing a follow active quads unwrap. This resulted in a slightly skewed uv but was easily fixed with a 'w' align auto.
Hi, I have a problem, when applying "Follow active quads" blender throws me the error: Location <Unknown location>: -1. What should I do?
@arayabarrioseduardo: That is a strange one, I've never come across that before. Possibly that would require checking that it works on a standard cube ok. If you can do it on some other objects then possibly you can send me the blend file and i'll take a look at what may be wrong with the object you're getting the error on.
Hope that helps. Let me know if it's still an issue/you'd me to take a look. :) Aidy.
@arayabarrioseduardo: That's great to hear! :)
The baking video uses a cone that we'll make to be much more nicer looking, lots more polygons to round out those curves. The downside is that we can't really use geometry like that in games, we're always looking to use as few polygons and smaller texture sizes as possible.
So what we're doing is taking our high resolution lots of polygons version of the cone and then baking it onto the lower resolution cone. This gets baked into textures that the lower resolution cone can use. The game engine or whatever rendering engine will read these textures and know what to do with them, basically trick the eye into thinking it's a much higher detailed mesh.
Hopefully that kind of makes a bit of sense! :) Aidy.
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