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5: Modular Setup
Aug. 21st, 2020
License: CC-BYGet the example file here:
@Simon Thommes hi, one thing like I used procedural texture on my character, and after doing all stuff in the end I found that the scale of whole charcter is too big and when I scale down and applied scale by ctrl-A..then the procedural textrue got my point is can we proceed without scaling down the character by ctrl that created issues in animation or its fine...I used object texture coordinate in shading if then please help me out...?
@Anmol Krishna I'm going over how the different coordinate types that you can access work in this chapter: I would generally recommend to keep the object scale at 1 to avoid issues like this, not only with shading but also modifiers, operators and constraints.
@Simon Thommes ok, thanks.
thanks for sharing the bubble wrap, one of the most satisfying things in real life and now, in Blender :v
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