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For this final timelapse on Rains head I am taking one of the conceptual sculpts from the previous videos and polishing it into the final head design.
Hi Julien, here is my final head design.
I really liked this first module, it has a lot of tricks that i've got with your tips, and watching your process. I'd really appreciate your feedback, and what can i improve in this step. Thanks!
@Paulo Henrique Crincev This looks absolutely amazing! I don't really have any specific notes, except for very subjective details. The anatomy on the ears could be differently stylised. Right now they feel a bit too anatomical and draw a bit too much attention to themselves. Check out other movies and how they do their ears. There's a lot of variation out there to draw from.
I'd just urge you to leave the head for now and move on to the body. Once you have the entire character in a rough state it makes sense to make more detailed adjustments. Well done!
@Julien Kaspar damn, got it! looking at some references from animated films, I realized that I never noticed much about the characters' ears, they really are more stylized, with simpler shapes.
I was off for a while, but I'll pick it up again in the next module, which I stopped at the end practically for lack of time.
Thankyou Julien!
Hi, I've been following the tutorials so far. This is what I made. A lot of tweeking but with patient, everything is possible.
@Stylianos Andreolas You might want to add a link to an image. Nothing is visible here.
Hi Julien, I have some questions about your workflow. Firstly, why did you choose to use vertex colors instead of texture painting to add color to Rain? And what are the advantages in doing so? Secondly, why did you first use a sphere with a sculpted "hole" in the center for the eyes and then switched it out for a regular sphere without a hole? How would it work differently if we just used a regular sphere throughout the whole thing? Thank you! :)
@coolyan2016 So first: It's easier painting a sculpt with vertex colors since they are more flexible. If you want to paint a texture you first need to create a UV map. And unwrapping a high resolution sculpt is slow and time consuming and the results will likely have issues that are hard to predict or fix. Also once you unwrapped our sculpt you cannot use the remesher or dyntopo anymore. If you do you will destroy your entire painting progress. With vertex colors on the other hand the colors are stored in the geoemtry directly, so you can immidiately start painting and if you remesh a small area you can repaint it. Vertex colors also work best on higher mesh resolutions since that means you can paint more detail. Each vertex is one color so the more you have the more you can paint. For UV maps you want the mesh resolution to be as low as possible on the other hand.
I can also recommend to try out the Blender 3.0 alpha version. In here you can enable an experimental feature called "Sculpt Vertex Colors". It's adding fully functional painting features and brushes to Sculpt Mode which are much higher performing and your colors will not be destroyed when remeshing. This will eventually become the new default vertex color painting system.
@coolyan2016 And about the second question: At first I was just interested in the shape of the eyes and it's easy to show the pupil by pushing in the area. It leads to shadows and occlusion which will darken the hole. But But yes, once you add color to it, it doesn't really matter if the pupils are extruded inwards. You can just paint it black and it's done. But if you ever look at your sculpt without colors it's nice to also have the pupil and iris indicated in the shape.
There is no solid reason why I didn't extrude in the pupils on the second version of the eyes. Perhaps I wanted to keep the sphere as much like the original as possible so that I can later model the final eyes from them. Try out some eye models yourself and you can decide which shape works best for you.
@Julien Kaspar Ohhh I get it now, thank you for such a clear explanation!
@Julien Kaspar
Thanks Julien for the excellent course. Here are my results so far - couldn't figure out how to embed an image, so here's a link. Would love any critique or feedback if you have time. Looking forward to completing the rest of the course!
@storey.thomas That looks amazing! You are clearly going for a bit more realism in style, which is good, but I'd say continue with the body and clothing before polishing the head further. The only thing that struck me as a bit weird is that the ears are very small and high. I'm really looking forward to more progress from you!
@Julien Kaspar Thanks so much! Good note about the ears. I don't know how they ended up drifting so high up. Seems quite obvious now that you point it out. I have already started on the body and will have some progress to show there soon. :)
Hi, thanks for the tutorial, your work is awesome ! Here my final result, it's my first stylized character, it's looking a bit weird, thinks the color is wrong, i'll change it after the retopo I think. I tried to pick a color with the eyedropper in your blend file of the skin, but the color is wrong, not the same as I picked, don't know why.. Critic of my work are welcome : [url=][img]]
@julien.renaudot This is looking really good! Well done :D Don't worry too much about picking the right colors. Just do your own thing if you want to. But if you want to pick colors more easily you can also switch the viewport to flat shading (The shading options in the header tot he right). For the sculpt I can recommend to work a bit more on the shoulders (but we'll get more into that in the next chapter), lower the ears a tiny bit and maybe add a bit more forehead but the head is pretty solid so far! You can always polish it further of course.
So far this has been really fun. I'm looking forward to finishing the course and getting some more practice in on some different characters.
Hey everyone, I am quite new to discord and sharing my art in general. Lately I've been working on my very first sculpting project which I also intend to animate once finished. I've been learning from the Blender Cloud Course: Stylized character workflow of the character Rain. My character will be called May. I've been working on the head for quite some time now and since I'll be starting on the body soon I'd really appreciate any feedback on the shapes/anatomy and general appeal of the character.
*@Bas Raven* Looks really good so far. I see a lot that's going right with this. Here's some feedback:
Keep looking through perspective view to see how much the ears get lost behind the face and how large the face looks.
The orthographic view can be deceiving on that.
*@Julien Kaspar* Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such valuable feedback. I am stil working on the body but when I come back to the face I will definitely use your feedback.
*@Cosimo* eye lids*
*@Cosimo* The progress is looking good. Eyelids are definitely very tricky to get right, so I can recommend to create them from a sphere object. It will make it easier to get the shapes right before then merging the objects and sculpting the transitions between eyelids and the rest of the face. Same with the ears. If you have difficulties getting the shapes right, try to separately sculpt them as different objects and then merge them once they look right.
To give some more feedback on the overal proportions: I would look at some more reference for the jaw. In your sculpt it is very pointy right now. In general, the face is getting lifted up the further it goes into the abck of the head. Try lowering the ears, cheeks and jaw corner too make the lower jaw edge a bit more straight. Here's an example.
You could also push back the chin a bit. The entire mouth region is peaking forward which looks also like a very unnatural under-bite.
*@Julien Kaspar* Thank you for your detailed answer. I will try to implement your tips.
hey there, what is the use of painting the sclupt in the solid view mode, does it effect the material and render preview?
*@Sundaram* It only affects the render if the color you are painting is plugged into the material. It won't automatically use any color information.
*@Julien Kaspar*thanks but how to do that?
*@Sundaram* Plug the vertex color node into the base color of your material node.
More info here:
When new episode?
*@Alan Belov* Hopefully very soon :)
*@Julien Kaspar* thx👌❤️
Will be any content related to lip sync? Or making a dialogue in blender?
*@jhonatansilva31415* No, not in this course. But there is an Animation Fundamentals Course in progress. Maybe ask there:
Great tutorial on workflow! Thanks for sharing your expertise with beginners like me to understand the concept in such an easy manner! Can you also cover teeth modelling, fitting the same in the mouth and opening the mouth....
*@sandeep200680* For the first design sculpts it was not really necessary to include them but I'll talk about it too :) I'll cover the teeth and inner mouth in chapter 3 when I'll go over the expression tests.
*@Julien Kaspar* Thanks dear friend...looking forward to see how that works!
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