Rain - Character Development
Go and grab the .blend file here
These are all the WIP poses I created after slapping a quick Rigify rig onto the character model. The first pose from the left is the final result. the second one is the pose that I chose to polish further after I was done with the pose exploration.
For this step I did some research on appealing poses from concept art, 3d models, photography & filming myself for direct reference. I wanted to find a pose that is rather grounded, so no jumping in the air, sitting or any other elaborate movements. The pose also needed to primarily show of the character model well, so poses like Rain crossing her arms or holding here arm behind her back were not ideal since they hide parts of the model. Although the character should be appealing, another goal was to keep her character still ambiguous. So the pose should be appealing but rather default. Lastly the pose needed to work from many different angles so poses like her tying her ponytail were not clear and confusing until you saw her from a different angle. Some were also having a sweet spot where the pose looked best and other angles that were not really working. I also filmed myself not just to see how the pose would work exactly but also to check if it would be comfortable. I didn't want to stretch her limbs in uncomfortable ways.
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