4: Clean Retopology
This lesson is all about planning and laying out the theory of retopology. As an example I will take the facial region of the example character Rain and give a complete rundown of how to plan ahead for an optimal retopology.
Hey, when I try to Retopo around the eyes, its seems like my face is somehow unsymmetrical ( i tried to resymmetrize x to -x n mirror etc. ) but it doesnt prprly work.. pls help
@Gustavo Lengyel Your object might have a wrong location or rotation. It needs to be aligned the same way as your original sculpt.
@Julien Kaspar thanks a lot for the fast response n help ! <3
04:30- Theory of Articulation: Link is broken
*@kurotsuki999* I updated the link. Unfortunately the free resources have been removed.
Your tutorials are amazing. Thank you!!!
*@Gabriel Moro* You're welcome ^^
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